"The function of art is to do more than to tell it like it is – it is to imagine what is possible." – bell hooks
The programs offered here incorporate a dramatic arts-based pedagogy that aligns with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and/or Pennsylvania Core Standards. In each program, the kinesthetics and props of circus arts serve as models in a reimagined portrayal of academic content.
The Starry Messenger
Recommended for Grades K - 5
This program follows the reveries of an aspiring circus performer and avid stargazer who endeavors to create “The Greatest Show In the Universe,” a parade of heavenly bodies replete with characteristics and legends as awe-inspiring as any circus act in history. Balancing stars, juggling planets, and acrobatics with constellations are just some of the feats performed in this interactive exploration of outer space.
Storybook Circus
Recommended for Grades Pre K - 2
This program is a sensory experience that explores reading, writing, and storytelling with a circus flair. You’ve heard the stories of The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and The Three Bears, but have you ever seen the narrator juggle the main characters? Such delight is alive in this program along with many other hands-on activities to excite early learners about learning their ABC’s.